Parents and Guardians,
We are looking forward to a great school year! There are so many opportunities for students to take advantage of with their choice of high school elective credit classes, duel-credit classes and college-level classes through our Iowa Central Career Academy. All of our students will be encouraged to seek out pathways to college-level courses and set themselves up for post-secondary success after high school.
To help ensure student success, there are some things I want to seek your assistance with and partner with you to help curb some of the issues that distract from student learning, student safety and general mental wellbeing.
One of the struggles we face on a frequent basis is students coming and going from the building and lingering in the parking lot during the school day. I regularly hear excuses such as I forgot my Chromebook and/or charger, I need to get earbuds, need to make a deposit in the ATM, cash my work check, forgot my lunch, need a jacket or sport uniform, and more. I admit there may be an occasion when something is forgotten. But if this is a daily or weekly occurrence, as parents, you don’t want to be taken advantage of. Regular attendance is still critical to being successful in school! No matter what your student may tell you, only Seniors have Open Campus and a few Juniors taking Iowa Central Classes. Do not let them talk you into calling them in excused daily/frequently to leave school during lunch to run downtown to eat or pick something up.
In our age of technology, being present in school is still important!. Yes, school assignments are all on Google Classroom; however, it is difficult to replicate hands-on activities, class discussions, student collaboration, group assignments, and personal verbal feedback on how to improve academically from a teacher. If you find your student consistently asking you to excuse them from school for every reason under the sun, please stop doing this.
All parents can track grades, attendance, and discipline through the Infinite Campus Portal for Parents. If you are not doing this, please contact Emily Gannon ( to get started. If your student is struggling in school, our hope would be that they are taking advantage of our Seminar time. This time, M/T/W/TH from 2:09-2:33, is for additional academic instruction of course work that a student is struggling to learn. If your student is failing a class/es, the first question to ask them is, “Are you attending that class's Seminar?” If you would like to contact any teachers about concerns, email is one the best ways to reach them.
Student struggles with mental health issues are greater than ever. Our high school counselors, Allison Wenck, Kyle Kinne, and Emily Gannon are doing an excellent job working with these issues as they are able, but some students may benefit from additional help. I am including a list of counselors in the area that may be able to assist with student needs. On a more specific note, Chelsea Zaragoza does counseling on-sight at the high school.
Sue Gehling ( is also on-site through the high school via Telepsych and she can prescribe medication.
Chelsea Zaragoza, LPHA/BHIS, does telehealth with our students through Lutheran Services of Iowa (712)262-4083
Greene County Medical Center now has behavioral health services. Heather, Bonnie, and Christie can be seen Monday-Friday in the Greene County Family Medicine Clinic. Appointments can be made by calling 515-386-0500.
Heather Wilson, PMHNP-BC (board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner)
Bonnie Riphagen, LMSW (licensed masters in social work)
Christie Burnell, PMHNP-BC
Other counselors are:
Peggy Clark, play therapist, Jefferson (515) 460-3217 – usually full
Dr. David Ohrt, Jefferson (515) 386-4817 – teens and adults
Tamara Wirth, play therapist, Boone (515)337-2872
Youth and Shelter Services, Ames (515) 290-4850
LSI Lutheran Services of Iowa (888) 457-4692
Heart and Solutions, Jefferson (800) 531-4236
Life Connections, Jefferson (515)327-5195
Catholic Charities (for people of any religion or no religion), Carroll (712) 792-9597
Private Victories, Counseling Services, Jean Lumsden, Jefferson, family and marriage therapist (712) 830-2545
Plains Area Mental Health, Carroll and Greene County (712) 792-2991
Ames Counseling & Psychological Services, Ames (515) 239-4410
Richmond Center, Ames 1-800-830-7009
Greene County also has a 24-hour crisis line/mobile crisis--the line is answered by Your Life Iowa and if a mobile crisis is dispatched it Eyerly Ball (under UnityPoint) responds to the call--that number is 855-581-8111
Lastly, our goal is to focus students on learning, not to have students distracted by what others are wearing. Naturally, students can have free expression of their personalities within the scope of the school dress code, but please remind your student that they are going to school, not on a date, to a party, or to a friend's house.
It takes the entire community to support each other in academic, health and wellness needs. Our goal in doing all of this is to have your student succeed!
Brian Phillips
GCHS Principal